Saturday, July 11, 2009

Movie Reviews

Ok, I went to see Public Enemies today at the Rave in Chattanooga. I was so excited about it after seeing the previews. But after seeing the movie and paying with my hard earned cash. A friend of mine and I decided that I should start a movie review blog or web site. So keep an eye out for my new "Movie Review" blog and site. I think am going to call it the RT3 Movie Reviews. It will be just an honest blog about how I liked the movies and if I think they are worth going to see. This is how we are going to rate them!

1. The Best - "Pay To See It Again"

2. Worth The Money

3. Good For A Rental / DVD

4. "Can't Believe I Just Paid For That"

5. Worst - "They Should Give Me My Money Back!"

Hope you like it and it helps you decided what movies are worth your money or the ones you should just stay home and watch reruns on TV.

Oh by the way my full review for Public Enemies will come soon, but for now, let's just say... "They Should Give Me My Money Back!"