Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Power of Praise

"O Lord, God of heaven, the great and awesome God... let your ear be attentive and your eues open to hear the prayer your servant is praying." Nehemiah 1:5-6

We must approach God by acknowledging His excellence and praising His power. Praise paves the way for prayers to be heard, and patience provides the return for God's response. Either God says yes to our request, or in His "no" He tells us to wait and trust because He has something better in mind for us. Even Hi no has a loving measure of yes. 

Regardless of the perceived fruitfulness of our prayer lives, faith assures us that our prayers are always heard. Keep telling GOd how great and awesome He is. Frame your communication in thanksgiving. Instead off, "God, give me guidance on how to handle this situation," you could say, "Father, I thank You that You have everything under control and will guide my every step." The more your praise Him, the more open you become to receiving discernment and direction.

Praise releases us into a state of gratitude by reminding you of how much God has already done.